Responding to Crisis Globally

While Crisis Response is best known for sharing the love of Christ in mission fields created by crises, a huge part of our ministry takes place around the globe.

We partner with churches, church planters and missionaries all over the world to invest in disciplemakers and establish the church where the gospel isn’t known in times of crisis. We want you to be part of this global movement to share the love of Christ with those in need.


After devastating floods covered almost a third of the country in 2022, Crisis Response began working with national partners in transformational ministry serving Hindu communities.

Our partners identified needs for clean drinking water, school access, audio Bibles and a medical center that could also be used as a church facility.

  • $35 will purchase an electronic Bible and provide Scripture access across language barriers and in literacy challenged communities.
  • $2000 will construct a facility that functions as a church, school and community health center.
  • $2500 will build a well to provide access to safe water.

We hope to raise $20,000 to sustain the disciplemaking and outreach efforts of the local churches and support travel costs to and from the affected regions.

Give to our Pakistan Flood Response today.


Cyclone Mocha hit Myanmar in May 2023, causing widespread flooding and compromising many of the crops that villages depend on for their survival; additionally, the flooding exacerbates mosquito-born diseases.

Crisis Response is partnering with church planters from the Evangelical Free Church of Myanmar to respond to the crisis in the Rakhine region and surrounding areas.

Our partners identified access to clean water and basic medications for dengue, malaria and diarrhea as an immediate, on-going need for many of the communities.

  • $20 will provide blankets for a family in crisis.
  • $30 will provide mosquito nets for a family.
  • $2000 will supply a town with medication, and physicians will be accompanied by pastors to treat the people physically, emotionally and spiritually.
  • $2000 will also build a well and provide a community with access to clean water.
  • $4000 (or $135 per student) will build a new dormitory where students can be discipled by a Christian pastor.

We hope to raise $15,000 to support the community in Myanmar, allowing churches to be planted and the hope of the gospel to be shared.

Give to our Myanmar Flood Response today.


In 2013, Typhoon Yolanda decimated the Filipino province of Eastern Samar. Since then, Crisis Response has partnered with the Evangelical Free Church of the Philippines to address needs following other storms.

Our church partners have identified literacy, hunger and other needs among young children as a primary access point into communities. There are several tutoring centers in the area already, and they are partnering with GlobalFingerprints to further invest in the community.

Additionally, we are investing in church leaders and new church planters through a cohort that meets twice a year for peer learning and support.

  • $70 will provide a church planter with a piglet to help support his family and invest in the community.
  • $35 will provide a family with a rooster and hen to start a poultry flock.
  • $2500 will sponsor a church planter with a moto-taxi to supplement their income.

We hope to raise $25,000 to support ongoing, holistic ministry in the Philippines, to transform lives and plant churches.

Give to our Philippines Typhoon Response today.


The Partner Fund was developed to create reserve funding in order to support smaller responses all over the world. Crisis Response is often approached by ReachGlobal missionaries or national partners with opportunities to respond to international crises so small or remote that they will never make it into the news cycle. These funds can also be used for international responses before initial giving comes in. In 2023, we have used partner funds in Africa to respond to a famine and refugee crisis as well as to support churches under attack in Pakistan. 

Our goal is to see 250 Partners giving $1000 annually (just over $3 a day—most of the world lives on this amount or less) to facilitate immediate response opportunities so we can make greatest impact in mission fields created by crisis.

We know not everyone can give this sacrificially, but every gift will support holistic outreach ministry in countries where people need the love of Christ.

Any funds received in excess of these project goals will be applied to future needs and opportunities within that country.

Will You Partner With Us?

Crisis Response Team

Reach out to learn more about joining the Crisis Response Partner Fund.